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The 5 productivity tools corporate event planners can’t go without

Corporate event planning is one of the most stressful jobs on the planet. In fact, Forbes reports that it’s the fifth most stressful vocation in the world. To conquer everything on your to-do list (sanity intact), you need to ensure that you’ve mastered the art of productivity. And thanks to innovations in technology, making the most out of every minute of the day is easier than ever.


Ready to amp up your corporate event planning productivity? Take a look at the top five tools that’ll simplify and streamline your work day:


  1. StayFocused

Everyone is prone to procrastination. In fact, letting our minds wander can be a great way to solve creative challenges or reset. The thing is, once you being putting urgent tasks on the back-burner, it’s a slippery slope from here on out. StayFocused is a chrome extension that enables you to block certain websites that seem to continually lure you in – no matter how busy you are – for a certain amount of time.  You can still access everything you need to do for work, without the distraction of cat memes or Twitter threads.


  1. RescueTime

You know you could be getting more out of your day, but aren’t quite sure how to get this right. Enter: RescueTime. This app gives you insight into your daily habits, which in turn, enables you to increase your productivity. RescueTime highlights the times of day when you’re most distracted, pinpoints the sites and apps that you use most frequently, and then analyses this data to identify your most and least productive hours. For example, you can see how much time you spend answering emails, attending meetings, or browsing the web. It then presents your work habits via simple graphics, as well as giving you the option of generating a performance report, enabling you to track your progress as you go.


  1. Trello

One of the most difficult aspects of corporate event planning is coordinating a team. Keeping track of who’s done what can quickly turn into a time-consuming, extremely frustrating endeavour. Thanks to Trello, you can track the progress of individual team members or tasks, thanks to moveable “cards” that map out the progress of a to-do list or project. Easy to use, Trello simplifies the project management process via clean visuals and an oh-so-simple to use dashboard.


  1. Coggle

Brainstorming is an integral part of the corporate event planning process. This productivity tool means that sketching out your thought process to a client needn’t require mind- mapping skills a la A Beautiful Mind.  Thanks to Coggle, you can share mind maps with team members in real-time, upload visuals and collaborate with ease.


  1. Evernote

If you’re not using this free note-taking tool yet, now’s the time. Say goodbye to lugging a notepad and pen around, because Evernote allows you to take notes and sync them on any device. This digital equivalent of a notebook ensures all your notes, web links and random 2 am thoughts are kept in one place, and are available 24/7. What’s more, you can add checklists, tables, attachments and even audio clips.

Corporate event planning doesn’t have to be difficult. Get more hours out of your workday by letting us handle the planning and orchestrating of a successful corporate event. Get in touch today.

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