Cocktail Functions


Cocktail parties can be a lot of fun and TS&A Events are brilliant at planning them. Although a lot more challenging in some ways than a gala dinner or award ceremony, as the event happens much faster, cocktail event management is another area in which TS&A Events excel!

Unlike seated events, cocktail parties have different requirements. Most of these types of events are networking opportunities, so people tend to mingle and move around a lot more. Providing the right amount of seating is always a gamble – more if there’s a presentation involved, less if the event is short. Events with minimal content are ideal for cocktail functions – lengthy speeches or awards would require half or more of the audience to stand for long periods of time, causing them discomfort. Often, cocktail functions have some sort of visual aspect, such as an exhibition, where guests have time to wander around and view the exhibits.

We also know how annoying it can be to a guest attending one of these events, to struggle to get food or a drink. Service must be impeccable, with enough staff to handle the frenetic pace of drink orders, while the food must be constantly circulated. The type of food is equally important – it should be easy enough to eat with one hand, not messy or fragile, yet taste sublime.

As cocktail parties are mostly networking functions, we are cognisant of the level of background music and the right kind of lighting, so guests don’t feel like they’re shouting or trying to see in the dark.

Although cocktail functions can be fast and furious, often guests will relax and socialise more, so we always factor in a few more hours than expected.

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