Lesser-known event management terminology 101

Like any industry, the events sphere has its own lexicon – and a lot of the time, this lingo can be incredibly confusing. If you’ve ever walked away from a briefing, slightly baffled and furiously googling the definition of “blonds and redheads” – help is at hand. We decipher some of the more unusual event management terminology below.



Blondes and Redheads 

This term doesn’t refer to hair colour. What it does refer to, however, are two different types of stage lights.  A blonde light is most often the moniker given to a floodlight used to illuminate large areas, such as the main stage or entranceway. A redhead is smaller than a blonde light and is most often used as a backlight to complement a blonde light.


These are not the type of boards you’d ride a wave on, nor are they the kind advertising the latest deal from a cellphone provider. In this case, the word ‘board’ is slang for the stage floor.


We’re not talking about the device used to charge your mobile phone. In this case, a charger is the plate that rests underneath the dinner plate at a table setting. Essentially a plate for a plate, chargers serve an aesthetic purpose only.  

Cherry Picker  

If you’ve ever witnessed street light bulbs being changed, you’ll have seen a technician riding in a cherry picker – a small, crane like device that allows workmen to access high areas, and not, as the name would lead you to believe, the tops of a cherry orchard.


We’re not referring to the infamous sheep, nor to the buxom country singer. In this context, a dolly is a wheeled platform used to carry a video camera as well as the camera operator. (These often resemble small train tracks). Bonus definition: The person responsible for operating the dolly? A dolly grip.


The chief lighting technician, in charge of overseeing all lighting requirements at an event.


Waist-high tables used at cocktail parties or pre-drinks. Often used to prop up guests who’ve had one too many.

Satellite bar

Unfortunately, this is not a bar orbiting through space (although, imagine!). In the context of an event, a satellite bar is merely an additional bar set away from the main bar area, used to reduce queues and ease foot traffic in the vicinity.


Ever navigated the rows and rows of waist-level dividers that resemble seat belt material in the line for a movie or to check in for a flight? You’ve witnessed a stanchion in action.  


A banner or backdrop used at the entrance of an event – most often for photo opportunities – that displays the logos of all sponsors.


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